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  • 来源:m.qqlzz.com 时间:2021-09-07 10:52:12 点击:
  • 1.Falling clouds and solitary fowls fly together, autumn water is the same color as the sky.落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。
    2.Cool wind news, autumn moon boundless.凉风有讯,秋月无边。
    3.Tell autumn not to come, I wait for the person already yellow.告诉秋天不用来了,我等的人已经黄了。
    4.Today's wind is the messenger of autumn.今天的风是秋天的信差。
    5.I can wait for you one summer, but you must come in autumn.我可以等你一个夏天,但秋天你一定要来。
    6.Autumn is too lovely ah, autumn wind together, even accidentally sneezed are, love autumn.秋天太可爱了呀,秋风一起,连不小心打声喷嚏都是,爱秋。
    7.Hope there will be unexpected surprises in autumn.希望秋天会有意想不到的惊喜。
    8.Deciduous autumn, breeze, all the good unexpected.落叶之秋,微风徐来,所有美好不期而至。
    9.The wind drunk, secretly kissed the small leaves, the air mixed with the aroma of osmanthus, sunset saw the red face.风喝醉了,偷偷亲了一下小叶子,空气中夹杂着桂花的香气,晚霞看见了便红着脸。
    10.Summer regret must be gently resolved by the autumn wind.夏日的遗憾一定会被秋风温柔化解。
    11.Crab is peeling my shell, notebook is writing me, all over the sky I fall on the maple leaf, you are thinking of me.螃蟹在剥我的壳,笔记本在写我,漫天的我落在枫叶上,你在想我。
    12.The Beginning of Autumn, the weather is fine, should collect happiness.立秋,天气晴,宜收集快乐。
    13.Unconsciously is autumn, busy for another year. qqssly.com.不知不觉已是秋,忙忙碌碌又一年了。
    14.FaII in Iove, autumn ginkgo and tenderness are still with.FaII in Iove,秋天的银杏和温柔依旧同在。
    15.They say autumn is suitable for missing, in fact, more suitable for meeting.都说秋天适合思念,其实更加适合见面。
    16.Want to put summer and Coke into the refrigerator, and then take out a shake open, bang, autumn surging out.想把夏天和可乐装进冰箱里,然后拿出来摇一摇打开,嘭的一声,秋天一涌而出。
    17.The summer is unfinished and finished in autumn.夏天的未完待续,在秋天完成。
    18.People like rainbows know when they meet. Interesting souls will eventually meet. Before that, try to be a better self.斯人如彩虹,遇上方知有。有趣的灵魂终会相遇,在此之前,请先努力成为更好的自己。
    19.When you grow up in the world, sometimes you tell the truth, you have to apologize to others, because you have punctured the truth. So if you want to live smoothly, take your mind with you all the time.长大以后的世界,是有时你说了真话,你还得和人家道歉,因为你戳穿了事实。所以想要活得顺畅,请时刻带上脑子。
    20.You're going to be a quiet adult. Do not be emotional, do not secretly miss, do not look back. Live a different life for yourself. Be obedient, not all fish will live in the same ocean.你要做一个不动声色的大人了。不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。去过自己另外的生活。你要听话,不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。
    21.Don't care too much about the superficial emotions between people; people who have close acquaintances don't need them; people who have extensive acquaintances don't need them. Emotion, you don't care, it won't hurt you.不必过于在意人与人之间表面的情绪;挚交之人不需要,泛交之人用不着。情绪这东西,你不在乎,它就伤不到你。
    22.When something goes wrong with your body, you will realize that everything you worry about is fart, you are full, you are idle, and it is more important to live healthily than anything else.等你的身体出了什么毛病,你就会意识到什么烦心事都是屁,都是吃饱了撑的,都是闲的,健康活着比什么都重要。
    23.The reasons for all the weakening of the relationship are not to say, not to ask. One asks embarrassingly, the other answers perfunctorily, does not say, thinks that the other party understands, does not ask, thinks that the other party has changed, and finally becomes speechless from speechless to speechless.所有关系变淡的原因一个不说,一个不问。一个问得尴尬,一个答得敷衍,不说,以为对方会懂,不问,以为对方已变,终从无话不说变成了无话可说。
    24.Never be poor, never be naive. Maturity is only good at hiding, vicissitudes of life are just no tears and injuries.未曾清贫难做人,不经打击永天真。成熟不过是善于隐藏,沧桑不过是无泪有伤。
    25.Man, with a dream of red mansions, he lives in the world of the Marsh. He wants to make some brothers in Taoyuan in the Three Kingdoms, but he always encounters some devils in his travels to the West.人啊,长了颗红楼梦的心,却生活在水浒的世界,想交些三国里的桃园弟兄,却总遇到些西游记里的妖魔鬼怪。
    26.The more people do it, the easier it is for you to get out. So many times, you should be grateful to those who don't care about you. No sorrow is greater than death, and no luck is more complete than death.别人做得越绝,你反而越容易走得出去。所以很多时候,你应该感激那些毫不顾及你的人。哀莫大于心不死,幸莫过于死彻底。
    27.Some things, not the thicker the better, to be just right. Deep words, we say shallowly, the long road we take slowly.有些东西,并不是越浓越好,要恰到好处。深深的话我们浅浅地说,长长的路我们慢慢地走。
    28.Your kindness should be left to those who know how to be grateful, not to those who take your kindness for granted and want to be dissatisfied.你的善良要留给那些懂得感恩的人,而不是那种将你的善良接受的理所应当,且会欲求不满得寸进尺的小人。
    29.Every night can be clean, safe, exhausted to sleep; every day can be refreshing, calm, energetic wake up, this is the best life.每一夜都能干干净净
    30.Vulnerable people will lobby their misfortunes everywhere. Strong people will only be more and more quiet.脆弱的人才会四处游说自己的不幸,坚强的人只会不动声色的越加强大。

